The purpose of this study was to determine the awareness and utilization of open access resources in libraries of private universities by postgraduate students in Nigeria. Nine research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study (603) consisted of all postgraduate students in Nigerian private universities, irrespective of their courses of study. A total sample size of 120 respondents was selected using multi-stage sampling technique. The researcher developed a questionnaire titled “Awareness and Utilization of Open Access Resources Questionnaire” (AUOARQ) and an observation checklist, which were used to collect data for the study. These research instruments were trial-tested for reliability in a South-West Nigerian private university. The reliability of 0.97 was established using Cronbach Alpha procedure. A total of 120 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to respondents, out of which 113 copies were returned and found to be correctly filled. This gave a response rate of 94.2%. The questionnaire was administered and collected by the researcher and two research assistants who were librarians and who were adequately instructed to ensure effective administering and collection. The data collected were analyzed using Mean (X) and Standard Deviations to answer the research questions. Two null hypotheses guided the study and were tested at .05 level of significance. The major findings of the study were that the overall availability of open access sources in the libraries was poor. Also, the general awareness and utilization of open access resources amongst postgraduate students were also low. Some major challenges that led to the preceding were that libraries did not organize seminars and workshops to sensitize students on open access resources, little or no information materials on open access resources in the library, erratic power supply, slow Internet connectivity, lack of Internet searching skills, inability of library staff to assist users to access to open access resources easily online and most especially, lack of awareness of the existence of open access resources contributed to its poor utilization by users. However, there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of awareness and also in the mean ratings of utilization of open access resources in libraries of private universities by postgraduate students in Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was strongly recommended that the library should often organize seminars and workshops on open access for both students and other library stakeholders, the library should acquire information materials that teach the basics of open access and how to utilize it maximally, provision of power inverters as backup for stable electricity and increasing the Internet bandwidth in the library to avoid slow downloading or slow Internet connection when browsing the Internet. Also, library staff should be given in-house training and orientation on the general concept of open access and how to assist users access these resources easily online and making open access a compulsory course to be taught in class to create its awareness.